Thursday, December 17, 2020

The Evolution and Definition of AI

 Artificial Intelligence is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, as defined by computer scientist john McCarthy in 1956. But what makes a machine intelligent? And does what is considered intelligent in a machine change with new technology?

What is AI?

Is it the computer, or the code that defines it? AI is sometimes called Machine Intelligence, referring to the fact that the capacity for reasoning and understanding is bound by the limits of a machine and its contents. Natural Intelligence is what is exhibited by humans, bound by the limits of our cognitive functions. AI in its current state, could be said to be computers or programs that attempt to mimic human intelligence through displays of reasoning, learning, analyzing and problem-solving.

Applied Artificial Intelligence is what we use to study datasets, solve problems, test probability, and perform tasks. The essential strength of AI over human effort is that AI can perform calculations more accurately and sizeable than humans can in a far shorter amount of time. The role of humans is to assign numerical meaning to the data or problems at hand so that the AI programs can compute this information and render an answer that has relevance, value, and accuracy in relation to boundaries of real life.